Yearly Archives: 2012

Using Ansible on EC2

Using Peter Sankauskas EC2 inventory file.
Assuming Ansible is setup, see old post for setting up Ansible or here.

$ cd ansible 
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=aws_accesskey_id
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=aws_secret_key
$ export ANSIBLE_HOSTS=$(pwd)/plugins/inventory/  
 # use the next line  only if you're using ssh as transport
$ export  ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o ForwardAgent=yes"  

The ansible/plugins/inventory/ec2.ini file is read by To limit it to us-east-1 only:

regions: us-east-1
cache_path: /tmp
cache_max_age: 300
destination_variable: public_dns_name
vpc_destination_variable: public_dns_name

Testing the inventory file:

$ ./plugins/inventory/ --list
  "i-xxxxx": [
  ""i-yyyyy": [
  "security-group_DEVGroup": [
   "us-east-1": [
  "us-east-1d": [

Now for Ansible simple commands:
Update: (11/16/2012) Use ssh agent for EC2 keypairs.

$ ssh-add /path-to/my-ec2-keypair 
$ source hacking/env-setup
$ ansible us-east-1d -u ubuntu -m ping | success >> {
    "ping": "pong"
} | success >> {
    "ping": "pong"

Now for a sample playbook filenamed as sample.yml:

- hosts: i-xxxxx 

  - name: Do stuff
    action: command uptime 

And the command to run the playbook. Target machine is an Ubuntu Precise instance.

ansible-playbook sample.yml -u ubuntu  --verbose

PLAY [i-xxxxx] ********************* 

GATHERING FACTS ********************* 
ok: []

TASK: [Do stuff] ********************* 
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["uptime"], "delta": "0:00:00.006583", "end": "2012-10-10 09:16:47.070108", "rc": 0, "start": "2012-10-10 09:16:47.063525", "stderr": "", "stdout": "09:16:47 up 1 days,  2:58,  1 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.05, 0.05"}

PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

For the complete examples and documentation EC2 inventory files, it is found here.

Update: Nov 22,2012
There’s also a very nice post about provisioning CentOS EC2 instance with Ansible by Jan-Piet Mens.

Ansible PPA for Ubuntu Precise now available

I’ve created Ansible’s Ubuntu PPA at

Might help others who are using Ubuntu distro.
Using Ubuntu Precise as overlord machine, you can install Ansible using the PPA with the commands:


 $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rquillo/ansible 
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install ansible -y  
 $ echo localhost > myhosts 
 $ export  ANSIBLE_HOSTS=$(pwd)/myhosts 
 $ ansible all -m ping -u ubuntu

There you go! Happy Ansibling Ubuntu users!