Category Archives: ebs

ALERT: Ubuntu upgrade causes problems with older 8.04 Hardy AMIs

This post was dated back Oct 9, 2008 at EC2 Ubuntu thread.

Unfortunately, after several months of the running instance as a test machine, and when php5-dev package is installed, the error comes up. CPU spin lock!

Solution #3 is applied to the running instance, snapshot EBS and spin up the latest AMI ami-1c5db975 from

Change the Elastic IP to the new running instance with the new EBS snapshot attached and viola… its ready to go!

Amazon EC2 and EBS mount point tip

After a few experimentation on Amazon EC2 and its new feature(Amazon EBS), I was able to share some tips for an EBS device formatted as XFS. Always make sure that the file permission belongs to the correct user(s) UID when you start using the mounted EBS device(unless of course if its a newly created/formatted).

Check this group for further discussion:

Thanks to Eric Hammond for posting my name on his MySQL Amazon EBS tutorial.